Fall Street Faire Seeks Volunteers The Reading Fall Street Faire on September 10 from noon to 5 is Reading’s biggest event of the year...
Selectmen Set Board of Health Hearing After much discussion, the board of selectmen voted 4-1 to hold a hearing to consider the removal of Nancy...
CPDC Reviews Plans for Former Post Office The Community Planning and Development Commission was given an extensive review of the architectural and engineering plans for the...
Selectmen Spar With Board of Health The Board of Selectmen met with the Board of Health at their meeting on August 29. Town Counsel Ray...
Override Survey Now Online The Board of Selectmen has issued a fact finding survey in order to collect information to help it potentially...
Korean War Vets Eligible for Medal Veterans who served in Korea between June 25, 1950 and July 27, 1953 may be eligible to receive a...
Zoning Board Continues Case Regarding Existing Apartment The Zoning Board of Appeals heard one case at its August 3 meeting. The owners of 29 Gardner Road...
School Committee Meets New Teachers The School Committee met all the new teachers in the district at their August 28 meeting. The annual event,...
Youth Risk Behavior Survey Results Presented to School Committee Erica McNamara, Director of the Reading Coalition Against Substance Abuse, presented a portion of the results of the Youth...
Once, When an Eclipse Darkened Reading You’ve probably heard that a total solar eclipse is cutting a roughly 44-mile swath across the nation, beginning in...