Pleasant Street Center – Fiber Arts – Fun with Flying Geese Technique

Pleasant Street Center 49 Pleasant St, Reading, MA, United States

Fiber Arts - Fun with Flying Geese Technique - Wednesday, June 26th from 10:00am to 11:30am: Join Laurie Thies from Mary Rose Quilts as demonstrates the Flying Geese Technique. Space is limited. Please call to sign up.

Pleasant Street Center – History of Feminism in Music by John Clark

Pleasant Street Center 49 Pleasant St, Reading, MA, United States

Pleasant Street Center - History of Feminism in Music by John Clark – Wednesday, June 26th from 10:00am to 11:00am: Music historian, John Clark will present on 100 Years of music from 1870 to 1970 that played a vital part in American women’s struggles for equal status and equal rights. You will heat songs by such widely diverse artists as Sophie Tucker, Joan Baez, Mimi Farina, Aretha Franklin, Peggy Lee and more. Please Call to sign up.

The Music Porch – Throwing Caution

The Music Porch 53 Harrison Street, Reading, MA, United States

MUSIC ON THE PORCH - Timeless Community Gatherings - Free Concerts
53 Harrison Street, Reading MA
Across from Memorial Park
Saturday, June 13th 6pm - Throwing Caution

Electronics Recycling Event

Reading Town Hall Parking Lot 16 Lowell Street., Reading, MA, United States

The First Congregational Church of Reading is hosting an Electronics Recycling Event from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, August 17. The collection event will be held in the Town Hall parking lot at 16 Lowell Street.