CPDC Reviews Sidewalk Plans Town engineers met with the Community Planning and Development Commission on Monday, March 13 to review the priority list...
CPDC to Discuss Complete Streets Priorities On Monday, March 13 at 7:30 PM the CPDC and the Town Engineer will host a discussion of priorities...
CPDC Looks at Future of Walker’s Brook Drive The Community Planning and Development Commission spent a large portion of their February 27 meeting discussing the potential for...
Selectmen Discuss Community Development The Board of Selectmen spent a significant portion of their February 21 meeting discussing economic development in Reading. A...
ZBA Approves Lincoln Street 40B Permit Board Approves Comprehensive Permit The Zoning Board of Appeals granted the application of a comprehensive permit to MKM Reading,...
ZBA to Vote on 40B Decision The Zoning Board of Appeals will vote on their Draft Decision for the 40B project on Lincoln and Prescott...
Reading Village Applicant Needs More Time The special Zoning Board of Appeals meeting, previously scheduled for August 25 to hear updates regarding the proposed 40B Reading...
CPDC Approves Minor Site Plans for Three Local Businesses At their meeting on August 22, the Community Planning and Development Commission reviewed minor site plans for two Reading...
CPDC Talks Bylaws, Reviews Site Plans The Community Planning and Development Commission plans to continue its public hearing regarding updates both to Reading’s Sign bylaw...
CPDC Recommends Bylaw Changes The Community Planning and Development Commission voted to recommend several items to Town Meeting at their August 8th meeting....