Tax and Water Bills to be Mailed Soon The next Water/Sewer/Storm Water bills will be mailed on June 9, and payment is due by 5:30 p.m. on...
School Department Communications Update The Reading School Committee heard a presentation at its meeting on May 8 regarding improving communication with students, parents...
Selectmen Hear Several Reports The May 2 Board of Selectmen meeting featured updates to the board from several municipal and independent groups. The...
School Committee Reduces Extended Day Fees The School Committee voted to reduce fees for the Extended Day program for the 2017-2018 school year at its...
$104.5 million-dollar budget approved by Town Meeting Annual Town Meeting Ends with Budget Approval and Instructional Motions Town Meeting approved a $104,551,681 budget for Fiscal Year...
Town Meeting Hears Reports Annual Town Meeting Will Continue Thursday May 4th Town Meeting was dominated by presentations on Monday night, May 1....
Fifty-Year Member of Town Meeting Recognized Town meeting member Bill Brown was recognized at the outset of the Thursday town meeting session for his 50...
Town Meeting Prohibits Recreational Marijuana Establishments Town Meeting Approves Expansion of Smart Growth District Town Meeting voted to go with the choice of the voters...
Town Meeting Declares Oakland Road Land as Surplus Annual Town Meeting Will Continue Thursday April 27th Town Meeting worked through twelve articles during the first night of...
Town Meeting Starts Monday 24 Articles on the Warrant This year’s Annual Town Meeting will start on Monday, April 24 and continue on...