Public Hearing on Woburn Street 40B Apartments Closed The Zoning Board of Appeals closed the public hearing regarding the 40B development at 172 Woburn St. at their...
Board of Health Refuses to Vote on Health Agent Appointment Expressing concern over recent resignations in the Reading Health Department, the Board of Health was unable to officially appoint...
School Committee Completes Superintendent Evaluation Process Dr. John Doherty received his final and summative evaluation for the 2016-2017 school year from the School Committee at...
Selectmen Review Needs of Seniors The Board of Selectmen heard several reports on the needs of seniors in the community at its June 13...
Robinson Elected School Committee Chair The School Committee voted to elect Chuck Robinson as its new chairperson during its annual reorganization on Monday, June...
Community Media Focus Groups Looking for Input In conjunction with the town of Reading, Reading Community Television (RCTV) will be hosting three focus groups to gather...
Selectmen Add Human Rights Statement to Policy Manual The Board of Selectmen approved an addition to the preamble of its policy manual by a vote of 3-2...
ZBA Approves Special Permits The Zoning Board of Appeals approved two separate special building permits at its May 18 meeting. The first was...
School Committee Reviews Science Presentation The School Committee received a detailed presentation regarding the implementation of the new science curriculum at its meeting on...
Selectmen Discuss Policy Updates The Board of Selectmen reviewed two different types of policy manuals at its May 16 meeting. The personnel policies...