RMHS Grad wins Emmy Award Kristina Ravanis, a 2007 Reading Memorial High School graduate, and former RCTV intern, recently won a 2018 Boston/New England...
CPDC Approves Austin Prep. Site Plan Review The Community Planning and Development Commission (CPDC) voted 4-0 at its June 11 meeting to approve the site plan...
Candidates for State Representative Square Off Four Democratic party candidates for 30th Middlesex District Representative faced off in a forum at Woburn High School on...
Superintendent Provides Kindergarten Enrollment Update Superintendent of Schools John Doherty gave the School Committee an update on kindergarten enrollment at the June 4 school...
Class of 2018 Bids Farewell to RMHS Over 250 members of the Reading Memorial High School (RMHS) Class of 2018 graduated from the school on Sunday,...
Baccalaureate Service Charges Class of 2018 to Make a Difference “Somebody has called your name, somebody is calling you to something greater,” is what greeted the Reading Memorial High...
Reading 375th Celebration Plans Presented to Select Board The Reading 375th Celebration committee presented its preliminary plans to the Select Board at the board’s meeting on May...
Schools Host Security Summit Superintendent of Schools John Doherty hosted a Security Summit in the Reading Memorial High School library at 6:00 pm...
Ben’s Big Benefit Music Show at Memorial Park June 2 On Saturday, June 2 from 4:00 pm-6:30 pm, Memorial Park in Reading will play host to the fourth Ben’s...
School Committee gets Special Education Update The May 21 School Committee meeting featured Director of Student Services Carolyn Wilson presenting her end-of-year update on special...