Select Board Closes Town Meeting Warrant The Select Board, by a vote of 5-0, closed the warrant for April Town Meeting at its meeting on...
Coram Appointed to School Committee Four-time budget parent Geoffrey Coram was appointed by a joint session of the Select Board and School Committee to...
CPDC Reviews Plans for New Subdivision Andrew Street, Civil Design Consultant for Infrastructure Holdings LLC, presented plans for a six-lot subdivision off of Howard Street...
Doherty Updates Kindergarten Placement Plans Superintendent of Schools John Doherty presented his revised 2019-2020 school year kindergarten plan to the School Committee at its...
Eaton/Lakeview Developer Proposes Site Plan Change Eaton Lakeview Development, LLC, the developers of the Lakeview/Eaton Street 40B project, offered revised site plans to the Zoning...
Boivin Not Seeking Reelection School Committee member Nicholas Boivin has indicated to the Reading Post that he will not be seeking re-election to...
School Committee Approves $46.4 Million FY2020 Budget The School Committee voted 5-0 to approve a $46,467,348 budget for Fiscal Year 2020. This is a 3.6% increase...
School Committee Holds Public Hearing on FY2020 Budget The School Committee completed its budget process on January 24 with a public hearing and the review of questions...
Select Board Seeks to Fill School Committee Vacancy The Select Board decided at their meeting on January 22 to seek an appointee to fill the vacancy on...
FY2020 Budget is Focus of School Committee The School Committee focused on the Fiscal Year 2020 budget during its January 17 meeting. The two largest cost...