Improvement to Town Trails Completed

With help from Boy Scout Troop 702, the Reading Trails committee has reestablished the Evergreen Trail between Kylie Drive and Charles Street.  The trail offers access to the Reading Open Land Trust Evergreen Lot and can be transversed as part of a neighborhood loop following Charles Street, Evergreen Road, and Wakefield Street to Kylie Drive.  The Evergreen trail crosses town-owned land controlled by the Conservation and Cemetery Divisions.  At the Kylie Drive end it crosses private property on a well-marked trail.  The Trails Committee reminds the public to be careful when in areas where there are no sidewalks.

The Reading Trails Committee also recently completed five trail improvement projects in the Birch Meadow Conservation Area.  Four short boardwalks were built spanning wet areas, three on the “Yellow” trail and one on the “Red” trail.  Also, the trail surface was raised on a section of the Ipswich River Greenway.  These projects were a joint venture between volunteers and the Reading DWP.

Trail maps in Reading can be found at:
