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I moved to Reading with my family in 1946 when I was three years old. I had a Mom and Dad and an older brother and sister. Life was good to us; Reading was good to us. We lived on Washington Street (the dump side – not the park side!). My Dad and Mom bought the land from Mr. Marchetti – our land was part of an apple orchard. Growing up, there were nine trees in our backyard! My Grandfather and Dad built our home, and we loved it. We all had friends on Washington St. or the surrounding streets. We went to Pearl Street School, Parker Junior High, and new High School (RMHS).
The train tracks were behind our house on the other side of Bolton St. At night in the 50’s, we kids would hear the train coming, jump out of bed and run to the window, and count the number of train cars heading north! I know one night I counted 72!!
My sister Marie’s class was the first class to have gone through all four years of this new Reading Memorial High School (1958) – two years later, my brother Paul graduated (1960), and I graduated the next year (1961).
We had a lot of fun growing up in Reading and loved being able to walk uptown to the movie theater, go to Torre’s ice cream store and put a coin in the jukebox to play our favorite record, sit at the counter at Woolworth’s and order french fry’s and a Coke! Grant’s was just down the street and sold just about anything you might need – from a missing shepherd for your Christmas manger to clothes for a new dress your mom wanted to make. I remember going to Berson’s Drug store at the corner of Pleasant Street and ordering a root beer float. The mugs were always kept right under the counter in the freezer, and they were always cold, icy, and delicious!
There are so many memories of growing up in Reading floating through my head right now!!
I remember: my Dad going to Bell’s for his hair cuts the meat market with Joe behind the counter 2 pharmacies! Charle’s on Main St. an A&P at the corner of Main and Woburn (later: Lerner’s Shoe store) Eugene’s and Sarmen’s on Main St. Francis’ Brothers on Haven a small Shoe Repair Shop tucked between two bigger building on Haven St. where one could bring his or her shoes to be repaired! Little League Field being built and opened in 195? – all games were played there, Sailor Tom’s.
Ok, that is enough reminiscing!!
We are a community, and a community grows with people helping each other and being with each other. This is especially true as we age within our community.
I have lived in Reading all my life (except for 5 years). I am 81 years old. I believe that the ReCal is a needed facility for us Readingites as we age – a place where all can go to walk, read, gab, meet, and spend time with both new and old friends. And help each other.
The fact that it will cater to the veterans, seniors, and anyone who needs help, as well as companionship, is a bonus for the town.
Joan Galante Carcia