The Reading Post accepts Letters to the Editor. All letters must be signed. The Reading Post reserves the right to edit or not publish any letters received. Letters do not represent the views or opinions of the Post. editor@thereadingpost.com
This LTE is in response to Rest, Resist, Repeat.
Last Tuesday was a refreshing win. Not because of the current administration’s blatant disregard of the Constitution, such as their desire to suppress free speech, abolishing the Electoral College and packing the Supreme Court. But because a not yet convicted felon (has not been sentenced), who won both the Electoral College and the Popular Vote, firmly believes in the Constitution and the rule of law. The majority of voters have faith that the incoming administration will put policies in place that will insure everyone has a fair chance to prosper and attain the “American Dream.” To say that the incoming administration promises to strip away anyone’s human right is an outright lie.
If you believe the words of the previous LTE, by all means join the POP Huddle. Please note that the POP Huddle gets their playbook from the National politics. The POP Huddle is a local organization who wants to win by the “divide and conquer” mentality. Who wants national politics in our community? In the past they have try to divide the community on race, sex, economic and gender issues.
The POP Huddle also fibs to the Reading Residents:
- By saying “people in our community are terrified he will fulfill his promises to strip their basic human rights away,” this is fear-mongering 101.
- There were no book ban attempts to fight against. The majority of concerned parents were simply asking for books to be placed in the sections that are appropriate for the children’s age. This is an example of divide and conquer.
If you are feeling powerless, angry, and afraid, I do not believe joining a left wing extreme group such as POP Huddle would get you to a better place. I would suggest examining and strengthening your relationship with God and maybe joining one of the many places of worship here in Reading. What’s the worst that can happen? You might find yourself in a better place both spiritually and mentally, and maybe even eternal happiness!
Daniel Dewar
Reading Resident
Town Meeting – Precinct 3