LtE: The Reason for this Election

The Reading Post accepts Letters to the Editor. All letters must be signed. The Reading Post reserves the right to edit or not publish any letters received. Letters do not represent the views or opinions of the Post.

Dear Editor

A few weeks ago, an LTE was published that had everyone talking. It’s opening paragraph ended with this line:

“when power or control is at stake, anything goes”

Anyone care to guess who wrote that? It seems to be rather prescient, doesn’t it? Here is another significant clue to the author of that LTE, another quote from it:

“I will not accept threats to our process or my reputation in exchange for my vote. These circumstances prompted my resignation from the Board.”

Do we all remember the entire reason we have to have this election in the first place?   

You heard it from former Select Board member Jackie herself: threats to our process and to her reputation. By two town meeting members “closely affiliated” with sitting Select Board member Karen Herrick. Who just happens to be strongly supporting Tara Gregory, one of the two candidates for Jackie McCarthy’s seat, so much so that Ms. Herrick’s social media feed is primarily comprised of requests to vote for Tara. 

Ms. Herrick wants someone she and others (like those mystery town meeting members) can control. Jackie turned out not to be that person. I am very, very, concerned that a nervous/anxious, but seemingly sincere, 28 year old, is seeking that seat. Does Tara know or understand what is coming next?  

When you go to cast your vote, know that the people who could not control Jackie are over the top excited about an eager young resident who they can compel to do what they want, as opposed to a savvy lawyer 20 years their senior. Needless to say, these are the same people who glory in spreading misinformation, over and over, to win votes. These same people who clearly were worried about what an investigation might reveal. 

Remember Jackie’s words, she who saw first hand what they can and will do: “when power or control is at stake, anything goes”

How do we get past this? One start is to not put Tara in this position until they have the life experience to withstand what these people can do. Needless to say, Melissa Murphy will not be beholden to anyone but the voters. With Melissa, we can get past the futile power struggles and get back to real conversations about what our taxpayers need and what we can afford. With Melissa we will have compromise and collaboration, not every new expensive initiative pushed down our throats.  

And if you think, well maybe one can learn, maybe they can have an open mind, maybe they are not as radical as those who are pushing them I leave you with this: Before Tara ever ran for office, in December 2023, Tara posted a comment on a thread about the town’s initial plans for MBTA communities: “I personally am for a larger map because I don’t see the need for single family homes anymore.” Tara owns and lives in a single family home. I think that about sums up what we could expect, on that topic, anyway. And the rest, well the others will tell Tara what to do. 

Alicia Williams
Marla Lane
Town Meeting Member-P8
Small business owner

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