LtE: In Support of Tara Gregory for Select Board

The Reading Post accepts Letters to the Editor. All letters must be signed. The Reading Post reserves the right to edit or not publish any letters received. Letters do not represent the views or opinions of the Post.

Reading needs Select Board members who will commit to transparent, collegial, and productive debate. The best way to accomplish this in the short term is to elect Tara Gregory on March 5.  

Tara will bring a fresh perspective and some much needed calm to the current board.  Watching the Select Board candidate forum I saw a level-headed, positive person with great ideas to bring to the table.  They were consistent in their views, yet clearly demonstrated a willingness and ability to listen and learn from town staff and voters.

I encourage residents to visit Tara Gregory’s campaign website and candidate Facebook page, as well as watch the Select Board candidate forum to learn more about their experience and priorities.  


Carolyn Johnson
Thorndike St.

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