LtE: A New Reading Senior Center is Critical

The Reading Post accepts Letters to the Editor. All letters must be signed. The Reading Post reserves the right to edit or not publish any letters received. Letters do not represent the views or opinions of the Post.

Dear Editor,

Demographic Changes and a New Senior Center for Reading The town of Reading, like all other towns in the state, faces rapid growth in its age 60+ population. The number relying upon Elder Services sponsored programs for social contact, social services, nurse advocacy, care-giver services, age-friendly activities, and information essential to navigating the challenges of aging is growing far beyond the scope that our Senior Center was designed to support when it was set up 30 years ago.

Between 2010 and 2023 in Reading, the age 60+ population grew from 5,001 to 7,513 (source: Reading Town Census). Projections cited in a needs assessment commissioned from the UMass, Boston Gerontology Institute in 2022 predict that the number is likely to reach almost 8,000 by the end of this decade. Overall, this would be a 60% increase between 2010 and 2030.

Neighboring communities (Andover, Wilmington and North Andover to name a few) have new or renovated senior centers addressing the needs of the growing 60+ population. Change is underway across the state and it’s past time to address the needs within our own community. A new Reading Senior Center is critical to meeting this need.

Please send comments/questions to

The Reading Council on Aging

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