WAKEFIELD, MA — Members of Temple Emmanuel, with friends and family, will be celebrating Chanukah, the Festival of Lights for eight days beginning on Thursday, December 7. Rabbi Greg Hersh, along with Rabbis from the Chabad of the North Shore, invite the community to Wakefield’s Public Menorah lighting for the first night on the Wakefield Upper Common at 6 pm. There will be latkes, donuts, goodies and singing. Together, we will bring light.

On Friday, December 8, at 6 pm, the Temple Emmanuel Chanukah Celebration will continue with the lighting of candles and a Vegetarian/Pescatarian Pot Luck dinner. At 7:30 pm there will be our Shabbat service with participation by CHAI School students. An Oneg Shabbat will follow the service. Participants are encouraged to bring their menorahs and candles. It is a free event, and all are welcome. Nonperishable food donations for the Wakefield Food Pantry are welcomed and encouraged. RSVP: Please contact svitz9@gmail.com by Wed. 12/6/23 to let her know how many will be coming and what food item you will be bringing. No desserts please.
Sunday, December 10 at 10:30 to noon, there will be a Children’s Chanukah party with Games, Singing, Crafts, and Chanukah treats. Pre-registration is appreciated, but drop-ins are welcomed. HebrewSchool@wakefieldtemple.org.
Temple Emmanuel is located at 120 Chestnut St., Wakefield, MA 01880. The congregation is a member of Jewish Reconstructionist Communities, Deeply rooted, Boldly Relevant
Please see Temple Website, WakefieldTemple.org, for more information, or if questions, email info@WakefieldTemple.org.