October 12, 2022
Reading, MA — Reading Art Association is pleased to have Arnie Casavant demonstrate on Wednesday, October 12, at 7:30 PM. The demonstration will take place at the First Congregational Church in Guild Hall on Sanborn Street. The entrance is on the middle side door on Sanborn Street.

Chasing the light best describes Arnie’s plein air paintings. “The natural elements and my paints combine to reward me with lasting memories.”
Arnie attended U Mass, Dartmouth, on the GI bill. Before retiring, he served as an art instructor at Oliver Ames High School in Easton, Massachusetts. for 27 years and was the chairperson of the art department for the last few years he was there.
Arnie prefers to paint on location in oils, either early in the morning or late in the day as the sun interacts dramatically with the subject matter.
Arnie studied under the direction of accomplished landscape painters David Lussier, William St.George, and nationally recognized Yellow Barn Gallery director Walt Bartman.
This should be an informative and interesting night, so please join us.
For more info, go to readingart.org.