Reading, MA — Police Chief David Clark and Deputy Chief Christine Amendola presented an update to the Select Board on Tuesday focused on the department’s recent activities, including completing their fourth accreditation process and the work of the Civil Rights Officer. “We are well ahead of the curve on police reform,” Clark shared. The department currently has three police officer and two public safety dispatcher positions open and is actively seeking to fill them.

Other activities include the “RAD” program, lunchroom takeovers at the schools, the “Coffee with a Cop” program, visits to the YMCA, the Pleasant Street Center, and other groups, bike helmet “citations,” and the annual open house. The department has responded to 13,739 calls for service as of the third week of August. As to future plans, Clark shared that a new K-9 unit, which specializes in searches, is being trained, a new motorcycle unit has been added, the mountain bike units will be returning, and the department has replaced two cruisers with hybrid models. The department has also added an electric vehicle for use by the Coalition for Prevention and Support.