LtE: Where has Reading Gone?

The Reading Post accepts Letters to the Editor. All letters must be signed. The Reading Post reserves the right to edit or not publish any letters received. Letters do not represent the views or opinions of the Post.

I have just come back from voting at the Field House in Reading’s local election. In the almost 40 years that I have lived in Reading, I don’t think I have missed a local, state, or national election. I believe it is important, and that the local elections impact us even more than the others as they directly affect our day to day lives here in Reading. There are many opportunities for me to decide who to vote for – candidate’s nights, article in local news media, letters to the editor, talking to trusted friends, reading literature that each candidate sends out. I am sure I could have spent even more time than I did. But I felt like I tried to make an informed decision. But this year, more than in any other that I can recall, I am glad to know that the election is over. And here is why.

We received a flyer in our door about a week ago that was unlike any I can recall. It wasn’t meant to give me information about the candidates – what they stand for, what their vision of Reading is, what experiences they have had in private life, in service to local organizations, or in town government that makes them a worthy candidate. It told me how I should vote. And to make it worse, it told me that I should NOT vote for anyone not on “their” list. It infuriated me! I have also been told that some names were put on those lists without their knowledge or agreement. Also, shameful. 

There are people in Ukraine fighting and dying right now, for the freedom to NOT be told how to vote. Reading voters need to realize just how dangerous this latest effort to control our elections is.

Let’s find out where Reading has gone and bring it back!

Virginia Blodgett
Prescott Street

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