The following article has been submitted by a candidate for the April 5, 2022, Reading Election

Hello, Reading Voters!
My name is Sal Bramante, and I am a candidate for a 3-year term on the Reading Municipal Light Department Board of Commissioners (the “Light Board”, for short). The RMLD has provided decades of reliable, low-cost power to the towns of Reading, Wilmington, North Reading, and a portion of Lynnfield. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and discuss my reasons for running and my ideas for the future of the RMLD.
I have a vested interest in Reading, having lived here for 33 years and being a 1991 graduate of RMHS. I am married with 4 kids, all of whom attend the reading school system. Additionally, I have many family members who live in Reading. I am currently V.P of Operations for a 300 million dollar company. I have owned and operated 4 successful businesses and have directed the hiring and mentoring of thousands of employees. I have first-hand experience with the fast-tracking of projects. My main strengths are finding the right seats for the right people in my companies.
Among my priorities as a Light Board member will be to:·
- Balance bringing in the new environmental regulations with the mitigating of rate increases, to help the ratepayers·
- Advocating that the Department negotiate with the companies supplying our electricity for more incentives for the ratepayers·
- Advocating for greater incentives for getting more efficient equipment into the homes of RMLD customers, thereby cutting energy consumption
The top priority of the Light Board must be to immediately initiate a search for a new General Manager. Current GM Coleen O’Brien recently tendered her resignation, effective 6/30/2022. I believe the Light Board should immediately form an ad-hoc Screening Committee consisting a combination of RMLD Commissioners, Citizen’s Advisory Board Members, RMLD employees, and Reading citizens, modeled along the lines of the recent ad-hoc Town Manager Screening committee. Given the relatively small pool of likely GM candidates, the services of an experienced power industry consultant should be retained to guide the ad-hoc committee in its work. I expect the Committee to look for GM candidates both from within the RMLD and from the industry at large. My criteria for a new GM are exceptional capabilities, proven leadership, and the highest personal and professional ethical standards. I look forward to getting rapidly up to speed on the hiring process as soon as I am elected in April.
I ask for your vote on April 5, and I thank you for your time!
Sal Bramante
Haverhill Street