LtE: Responding to Mr. Brown

The Reading Post accepts Letters to the Editor. All letters must be signed. The Reading Post reserves the right to edit or not publish any letters received. Letters do not represent the views or opinions of the Post.

To the Editor,

We thank Mr. Brown and we’re grateful for his previous military service. However, his comments in his recent letter (“It is not about being a “GOOD” citizen”) – conflating the Town’s sidewalk snow removal bylaw with Hitler’s rise to power and his horrific, racist, and anti-Semitic actions resulting in the Holocaust – warrant strong rebuke.  

It’s one thing to recognize and to respect one’s sincere libertarian political beliefs regarding the limits of government’s role in regulating society. But invoking the atrocities committed by Hitler against millions of Jews and so many others during the Nazi regime and analogizing that grotesque human depravity to a sidewalk snow removal bylaw is insulting to the memory of the millions victimized during the Holocaust.   

Debating the propriety of a sidewalk snow removal bylaw, in furtherance of government’s legitimate health and safety authority, is one thing. Suggesting that bylaw is in any way a precursor to governmental racial genocide is as laughable as it is insulting.


Jonathan Barnes
Pratt Street

Amelia Devin Freedman
Grove Street 

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