Wednesday rain or shine 4pm – 5:30pm

The Town of Reading Downtown Trick or Treat will be taking place on Wednesday, October 27, 2021, from 4:00 pm-5:30 pm. Visit Reading Recreation Division for more information. Click here for the Downtown Trick or Treat Event Map.
Halloween Safety: Tips for Trick-or-Treaters
The Reading Public Health Department would like to remind parents and children of a few safety tips to make this Halloween a safe one.
Get clever with costumes
- The brighter the better. Choose bright colors and flame-retardant materials. If your child will be outdoors after dark, attach reflective tape to his or her costume or treat bag.
- Size it right. If it’s chilly outdoors, make sure your child’s costume is loose enough for warm clothing to be worn underneath — but not long enough to cause tripping. Avoid oversized shoes and high heels.
- Limit accessories. Pointed props — such as wands, swords and knives — might pose safety hazards.
Trick or treat with care
- Get in on the fun. Accompany trick-or-treaters younger than age 12. Encourage older kids to trick or treat with friends, parents or older siblings. Make sure someone in the group has a flashlight with fresh batteries.
- Set ground rules. If your child will be trick-or-treating without you, plan a familiar route and set a curfew. Have your child carry a cellphone.
- Inspect treats before indulging. Don’t let your child snack while he or she is trick-or-treating. Feed your child an early meal before heading out, and inspect the treats before your child eats them. Discard anything that’s not sealed, has torn packaging or looks questionable. If you have young children, weed out gum, peanuts, hard candies and other choking hazards. If your child has food allergies, check candy labels carefully.
Stay safe and sweet on the home front
- Clean up. Put away tripping hazards, such as garden hoses, toys and bikes. Clear wet leaves, snow or other debris from the sidewalk.
- Turn the lights on. Replace burned-out bulbs to ensure visibility at the walkway and front door.
- Control your pets. Take no chances that your pet might be frightened and chase or bite a child at your door.
More information can be found at the National Safety Council.