Join us at The Reading Public Library (RPL) on September 21st at 7:00 pm
Reading, MA— Where do social justice and climate change overlap? How does identity (race, gender, age, etc.) influence the way a person will be impacted by climate change? And how can we, as concerned community members, fight climate change in a way that is just and equitable for all? Many changes to our climate observed today are unprecedented and irreversible, and some communities are more vulnerable than others.

On Tuesday, September 21, join the Reading Public Library and Nia Keith in an interactive lecture on climate justice. With fellow community members we will make space for questions, conversations, and, most importantly, climate action. This is an in-person event held in the library’s Community Room with limited seating. Register today. This event is held in partnership with Communities Responding to Extreme Weather (CREW) and Mass Audubon.
Nia Keith is Mass Audubon’s Vice President for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice, with more than 15 years experience working in nonprofits, schools, and cultural institutions. Dedicated to cultivating equity and justice in all environments, Nia has spent her career motivating people to address environmental, social, and economic issues. She designs and delivers interactive lessons for all ages, to help people understand and act to fight climate change. Nia holds a Master of Science in Environmental Studies from Antioch University New England.
Climate Preparedness Week is September 24 – 30, 2021, with the theme: The Weather is Changing: Are You Prepared? The Reading Public Library, along with many other libraries and organizations is a partner. Check the CREW website and RPL’s event calendar for programs and events that explore how severe weather affects us all – locally, globally, publicly, and personally, and how we can prepare.
For more information on Mass Audubon, visit:
The Reading Public Library is committed to evolving together to strengthen communication, equity, collaboration, and learning in our community. Our mission is to be a center and resource for learning and civic engagement. We provide a place and platform of, by, and for the people who can benefit as individuals as well as contribute to the well-being of the community. We work to achieve these goals and commitments by focusing on education, equity, accountability, and access.