Reading, MA — For close to 20 years, Reading, MA has been called “The Eagles’ Nest.” The town North of Boston has a long history of producing Eagle Scouts and that tradition holds true today. On Saturday, August 8, Reading Troop 728 celebrated their nine newest Eagle Scouts in a ceremony filled with tradition and brotherhood.

“At one time, Reading had at least eight Boy Scout Troops. These included 702, 704, 705, 728, and others. Today, only troops 702 and 728 remain active,” said Mike Terry, Assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 728, Spirit of Adventure Council Training Chair, and member of the Council Board of Directors. “Still, even with fewer troops in town, Reading continues to produce several Eagle Scouts each year. It remains, in the eyes of many in metropolitan Boston, ‘The Eagles Nest.’”

The nine Eagle Scouts – Drew Anderson, Josh Bedingfield, Cameron Brickett, Ryan Brickett, Thomas Cahill, Zachary Galvin, John Goodwin, Logan Greenwalt, and Hugh Lynch – earned Scouting’s highest rank through leadership, service to the troop and the community, and earning at least 21 merit badges in topics ranging from Citizenship in the Community to Camping, Environmental Science, Sustainability and more.
Possibly the most well known part of the journey to Eagle is the Eagle Scout Project. Each Scout must plan, develop and show leadership through project that benefits their community. Troop 728’s Eagle projects included renovation of the shot put area at Reading Memorial High School, replacing old walkways with new brick and stone at St. Agnes Parish, designing and installing a new information kiosk at the entrance of the Pinevale Conservation Area, constructing flag collection boxes where community members can leave flags for the Troop to retire properly, building 40 pet beds for a local animal shelter, replacing boardwalk in the Town Forest, coordinating the making of over 300 masks for the Town of Reading and planting several hundred trees in the Town Forest.

RMHS class of 1979 alumni and former member of Troop 728, Brigadier General (Ret.) Jack Hammond spoke at the celebration. While sharing some of his experiences from when he served, talked about the time he escorted Neil Armstrong and other astronauts on base overseas. He pointed out that some Scouts being honored that day had earned a badge that even Eagle Scout Neil Armstrong never earned – Space Exploration!
These 9 new Eagle Scouts bring the total for Troop 728 up to 92 since 1962. And it’s no surprise that the Troop already has another Eagle joining the ranks! Theo Bester earned his Eagle rank this summer and will be celebrated in the next Eagle Court of Honor.
The Eagles’ Nest tradition continues.