If you walk through Reading on Saturday, September 11, expect to hear music in the air. PorchFest is returning to Reading for the third straight year! Initially organized in 2019 as part of the town’s 375th-anniversary celebration, the event was held virtually last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year organizers are excited to plan the third annual PorchFest, which promises to be bigger and better than ever.

The afternoon will begin on the Reading Common with an event honoring the twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. The community will come together to remember and honor the victims of 9/11, the families and friends who lost loved ones that day, and the heroes who responded to this unprecedented American tragedy with bravery and courage. After this ceremony, the community will continue the great American tradition of coming together through music as porches throughout Reading host live bands all afternoon. All bands will be listed on the PorchFest website. Map out your afternoon by which bands you want to see or just stroll through Reading and listen for music coming from porches and front lawns all over town. Reconnect with your friends and meet new neighbors while enjoying a great afternoon.
Longtime resident, father of four, and musician Mike Dodge has participated in PorchFest in the past. He says, “I am so excited to be doing PorchFest again this year, and so is our whole band. Live outdoor music is special in itself. But the idea of PorchFest is much more than live music. It’s a platform to build community by providing an occasion to spend time with your neighbors in a great atmosphere. I think everyone needs that after the last year, and I hope PorchFest will be a town tradition for many years ahead.”
Do you have a band and want to participate? Or do you have a great front porch (or yard, or driveway) and want to offer it up for an hour or two to host a band? Sign up TODAY at readingporchfest.com.