Reading, MA– On December 14, representatives of Bagel World presented revised site plans to the Community Planning and Development Commission (CPDC), which are aimed at improving traffic flow at the business located at 323 Main Street. John Bobreck, project engineer, explained the plan to “revamp and add a second drive-through lane” around the building. This duel lane would merge into one lane for product pick-up after orders are placed. A third lane around the building will also be added, allowing customers to bypass the drive-through if desired.

The site has been notorious for traffic backing up onto Main Street for years, especially during morning hours. “The dual lanes should adequately support Bagel World during peak surges,” Bobreck explained. CPDC chair John Weston expressed concern that the new lanes would remove parking from an already crowded lot that often has customers spilling over into adjacent properties.
Other proposed improvements include repurposing the south entrance to the property for drive-through customers, while the northern entrance would be for those parking and entering the building.
Weston suggested that a traffic study that only looked at traffic flow during weekdays would be flawed. “You need to see it on a Saturday morning.” Weston shared. “In non-COVID times, there is five times the traffic”, he continued.
Architect Bill Jacob informed the CPDC that the building will also be receiving an exterior “face-lift,” new landscaping and curbing to the rear of the property, and will improve its Americans with Disabilities Act compliance. Jacob also shared that internal improvements in the building, such as doubling the number of food preparation stations, will help with traffic flow as less time will be needed to prepare customers’ orders.
The CPDC continued the public hearing on the site plan review to January 25.
CPDC also reviewed a four-lot definitive subdivision plan for 4 Cold Spring Road. The project would extend Grand View Drive south along an existing right-of-way with a thirty-five-foot wide road ending in a cul-de-sac. Three new house lots would be created, with the existing home remaining on the fourth lot. As proposed, the new lots would meet existing frontage requirements, and the newly built homes would meet all current setback requirements. CPDC continued the public hearing on the matter to January 11 at 9:30 pm.
CPDC also approved, with conditions, a special permit for a free-standing sign at 136 Haven Street. It issued a certificate of appropriateness for a new business sign at 45 High Street and issued a certificate of appropriateness for a sign at 24 Gould Street.
Public hearings for 531 Main Street and 1310-1312 Main Street were continued to January 11 and January 25 respectively. CPDC adjourned at 9:50 pm.