Former State Representative Jim Dwyer (D-Woburn) recently endorsed the re-election of Brad Jones as State Representative.
Dwyer, a former five-term Democrat representative, worked previously as a juvenile probation officer in the Middlesex Juvenile Court for more than three decades. First elected to the Legislature in 2008, Dwyer represented the 30th Middlesex District, which includes Precincts 2-5 in Reading.
“I served 10 years in the Massachusetts House of Representatives with Brad Jones representing Reading,” said Dwyer. “He was a hard-working, effective, and responsive advocate. I’m proud to support his re-election and urge my Reading friends to vote for Brad Jones on November 3. Brad is a proven leader with experience and integrity.”
Dwyer continued, “Brad is well-respected on Beacon Hill by scores of Democrats for his willingness to advocate on behalf of his constituents. One of my favorite annual events was the Reading Senior Citizen Thanksgiving Dinner which Brad patterned after a similar event in North Reading. The near decade long tradition demonstrates the compassion and respect he has for the community’s senior citizens.”
While serving in the House together, Jones and Dwyer worked collaboratively to secure passage of multiple initiatives to assist Reading’s residents, including a 2016 bill that established a means-tested property tax exemption program for local homeowners age 65 and older. During the first three years of the program, qualifying applicants were able to enjoy an average tax break of over $1,600 annually.
“I am honored to have my former Democratic colleague endorse my re-election,” said Jones. “When we shared representation for the Town of Reading, we were able to work across party lines to successfully advocate on behalf of the Town’s residents, and I am grateful to have his support.”
Representative Jones represents the 20th Middlesex District, which includes Precincts 1, 6, 7, and 8 in Reading.