Letter: An open letter to Ms. Alvarado

The Reading Post accepts Letters to the Editor. All letters must be signed. The Reading Post reserves the right to edit or not publish any letters received. Letters do not represent the views or opinions of the Post. editor@thereadingpost.com

It is my signature on your recall petition. It is the same signature that I used to file for an absentee ballot on which I voted while serving in the United States Air Force in Tripoli. It is the same signature that is on my DD 214 that I received in 1954 upon discharge. Since my wife passed away in November of 2001 it is the same signature that has appeared on my checks to pay the town of Reading my quarterly real estate tax, water bill, and other bills including my electric bill. It is the same signature that appears on numerous official town documents as the secretary of a town committee. 

Ms. Alvarado, you may recall that the one strong word of advice I gave you while sitting over a cup of coffee at Dunkin Donuts when you sought to be a Select Board member, was to read the town of Reading Charter. In my opinion, it is very clear to me you did not do so in the appointment of the police chief that by charter only the town manager can appoint that position, the Select Board may only approve or disapprove. 

It is also very clear that as the chair of the Select Board, you allowed the first ad hoc human relations advisory board to be formed in clear violation of the charter because the positions were not posted. It is also very clear that as chair you allowed the recently removed Select Board member to spend $10,000 of town counsel’s expense to find a way around the charter that would have allowed non-residents to serve on town committees. 

The only way that allows evil to prevail is for good men to say nothing. I have spent countless hours making Reading the town that I love to allow Ms. Alvardo to tell me it was not my signature on her recall petition. 

It was my signature and I hope that each and every person that has his or her name challenged will speak up and that the outcome will be the removal of Ms. Alvarado. 

William C. Brown
Martin Road

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