Letter: Endorsing John R. Halsey (Write-In) to the Select Board

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Letter to Endorse John R. Halsey (Write-In) to the Select Board for his Competency, Commitment, and Courage

“To everything…. there is a season….and a time for every purpose under heaven.”

As we approach our town-wide election on Tuesday, March 3rd, these familiar lyrics resonate as particularly significant, considering a series of unfortunate occurrences that have transpired, not only in the past two weeks but over several years, due to the ineptitude and toxic behavior of Vanessa Alvarado and Andrew Friedmann. The season, the time, and the purpose is now upon Reading voters to restore the stellar reputation of our town, which was egregiously tarnished by these two Select Board members.

During their presence, on multiple occasions and specifically on 2/11, it is well documented that these two members are responsible for creating a culture of hostility and unbridled animosity toward a fellow Board member by their complete disregard of factual information. John Halsey, a public servant with impeccable integrity, calmly and professionally outlined Ms. Alvarado’s RPD confirmation delays and questionable tactics only to be met with a barrage of vitriolic accusations by the Chair, followed by Mr. Friedmann’s juvenile reference to tire tracks, and disparaging comments to the police officers present. These two Board members’ assault on Mr. Halsey’s integrity do not represent the values of Reading’s electorate. It is incumbent upon every Reading voter to review the facts and irrefutable evidence of their callous disregard of the Town Charter, all of which Mr. Halsey has clearly delineated on the Reading Post and other media sites. If ever there was a time we need to elect candidates to the Select Board who truly care about what is best for every resident in our town, the time is now. They are: John R. Halsey (Write-In) and Carlo Bacci.

Thankfully, we live in a democracy where every citizen has a right to inform the voters of his/her willingness to serve. John Halsey has a proven record of decades of service to our children, families, the elderly, our servicemen and women, veterans, and all who call upon him for guidance and assistance. It is critically important for John to return to his seat on the Select Board and bring his wealth of experience, fair-mindedness, stability, and commitment to selflessly serve the residents in our town with honor and pride.

I strongly urge all voters of good conscience and common sense to cast a Write-In ballot for John R. Halsey and a vote for Carlo Bacci for Select Board membership. As highly qualified candidates for positions on the Select Board, these two men of integrity and statesmanship will provide the balance, the knowledge, and the courage to make the best decisions for our town as we face formidable challenges in the near future.

Respectfully submitted,

Eileen S. Litterio
Deborah Drive
