UU Church of Reading Welcome’s Sen. Lewis and Special Music Sunday

Two exciting upcoming events at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Reading. The first is that this Sunday, November 19th at 10:00 AM, State Senator Jason Lewis will be taking part in a conversation with Reverend Hank Peirce on issues of justice and where he finds his inspiration in his work. Senator Lewis represents the people of the Fifth Middlesex District. He has been a leader in shaping public policy on a range of issues important to his district, region and the state, including education, healthcare, and economic opportunity for all. We are so pleased to have him be a part of our worship service today.

The second event is a special music Sunday on November 17th at 9:15 AM &11 AM. The Immigrant Experience is a new work by Winchester Unitarian Society Music Director/Composer/Pianist John Kramer. This timely and topical piece reflects the issues surrounding immigration, and features texts by founding fathers that established the United States as a welcoming place – a place, in the words of George Washington, “open to receive not only the opulent and respectable stranger but the oppressed and persecuted of all nations and religions.” The cantata is composed in seven movements for choir, soloists, violin, clarinet, cello, and piano. To further support the ideal of diversity for the month of November we are sharing our plate with the Refugee Immigration Ministry.

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Reading is a growing regional church serving communities north of Boston. A vibrant and spiritual community, we welcome people of all ages, religious backgrounds and beliefs, cultural origins, differing abilities, political views, sexual orientations, and gender identity. The Unitarian Universalist Church of Reading is a “Welcoming Congregation”—which means we promote inclusiveness for everyone, including gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.

The church is located at:
239 Woburn Street
Reading, MA 01867

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