A Musical Journey Through 375 Years at First Parish


On Sunday afternoon, May 26, at 4 pm, the First Parish Congregational Church Sanctuary Choir, along with choir members from the two churches descended from First Parish (Reading First Congregational and North Reading Union Congregational) and other singers will be presenting a gala concert as part of the FPCC’s 375th Anniversary Year of Celebration. The program will consist of choral anthems which have been or could have been sung at First Parish since its founding in 1644, accompanied by trumpet and organ, and will also include contributions from Cornerstone, FPCC’s praise band, and a few organ solo selections showing off the church’s superb 107-year-old pipe organ.

Composers represented will be Bach, Buxtehude, Handel, Vaughn-Williams, Franck, and Mendelssohn, among others. In honor of the Memorial Day weekend, a splendid arrangement of the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” for choir, audience, trumpet, and organ will also be performed. Admission is free to all, and the church is handicapped accessible. A reception hosted by FPCC’s 375th Anniversary Committee will follow the concert. For any further questions, please check the church’s website at fpccwakefield.org, or call the church at 781-245-1539.

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