ZBA Approves Eaton/Lakeview Project

The proposed Eaton/Lakeview 40B project cleared a major hurdle on February 28 when the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) voted 5-0 to approve the draft decision granting approval of the comprehensive project application. The February 28 meeting was the twelfth session of the public hearing on the project. The proposal is to build seventy-four rental units and twelve for-sale townhouses, for a total of eighty-six total units. Twenty-two of the units are designated “affordable” which are deed restricted for rent or sale to households earning at or below eighty percent of the area median income.

Chair John Jarema praised the applicant, Eaton/Lakeview Development, LLC, the staff, and the neighborhood for what he described as “the most collaborative and cooperative” of the six or seven 40B applications he has worked on in town. Resident Boriana Milenova stated, “[The neighbors] are happy that we found a collaborative relationship.” She also indicated her hope that the level of collaboration would continue through the construction process.

Select Board member Barry Berman suggested that the developer create and maintain a website that would update neighbors and the community as to the progress of the project. Attorney Ted Regnante, representing the developer, suggested that this seemed like a good idea. Regnante also commended the committee for its efforts in “taking care of the community.”

At the February 20 ZBA meeting, the applicant offered an adjustment to the project changing twenty-seven of the parking spaces in lot “B” into “compact” spaces, increasing the total number of spaces from 101 to 104. This raised the ratio of spaces per unit to 1.5 for the project. After negotiation, the applicant also agreed to increase the amount of money offered to the town to do a traffic study of Walker’s Brook Drive area to $20,000.

The ZBA members will sign the decision at their meeting on March 6, after one final review by Town Counsel. The project will next need to be approved by the Massachusetts Housing Authority, through the draft decision was already submitted to Mass Housing and returned without comment, suggesting that the project is likely to be approved by the agency.

The ZBA adjourned at 7:40 am.

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