Letter: Vote for State Senator Jason Lewis

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With the Democratic primary fast approaching on September 4th, I am writing to urge my fellow Reading neighbors to vote for State Senator Jason Lewis.

I really appreciate Jason’s support and encouragement for community activists like me who’ve become involved in local, state and federal politics since the 2016 election. Jason is a strong believer in civic engagement and civics education. As a former high school history teacher, I particularly appreciate his advocacy to boost civics in our schools. He holds monthly office hours in every community he represents and stays until everyone has been heard. He shows up faithfully to local events to keep in touch with our needs and concerns and follows up routinely.

Jason has been a strong partner for Reading. For example, he helped to secure a $1 million energy storage grant award for Reading Municipal Light Department (RMLD) and $1.5 million for local Reading transportation safety projects which assisted in the redevelopment of the intersection of Franklin and Main on Route 28.

I hope to see you at the polls on September 4th — and I hope you’ll vote to keep Jason Lewis on the job, advocating for all of us.

Laura Wilson
Bay State Road