Government Meetings This Week

For the week of  April 9, 2018 the Town of Reading website calendar lists the following board, committee, and commission scheduled meetings.


Eaton School Council 3:05pm – Joshua Eaton School

Wood End School Council 3:15pm – Wood End School

Housing Authority 5:30pm – 22 Frank Tanner Drive

School Committee 7:30pm – Superintendent’s Conference Room, RMHS

  • Part II Highlights of the 2017 Reading Youth Risk Behavior Survey Results
  • Town Meeting Prep – Digital Curriculum Proposal
  • Vote the last day of School

Community Planning and Development Commission 7:30pm – Selectmen Meeting Room, Reading Town Hall

  • Site Plan Review – 95 Walkers Brook Drive, Perico Implants North Inc.
  • 40 Grove Street, 2-Lot Subdivision
  • 306 Main Street, Tower Home Loans
  • Planning Updates and Other Topics


Board of Cemetery Trustees 6:00pm –  Berger Room, Town Hall

Special Education Advisory Council 6:30pm – Superintendent’s Conference Room, RMHS


RMLD Board of Commissioners 5:30pm – Winfred Spurr AV Room, RMLD

  • Sub-Committee on the Payment to the Town of Reading

Climate Advisory Committee 7:00pm – Lower level Conference Room, Town Hall

Conservation Commission 7:00pm – Selectmen Meeting Room, Town Hall

