Thank You From the Town Manager and Superintendent

Reading, MA — We are both deeply appreciative to the voters of Reading for your overwhelming support yesterday at the polls for the Ballot Question. Because of your support, we will be able to restore or add much-needed positions in our schools, public safety, and other town departments. These positions will allow us to continue to provide a strong educational foundation for our students and the level of services necessary for our community.

Proposition 2½ makes for a very challenging environment to meet the needs of our community. Each day we arrive at work and need to consider what creative solutions there are to try to balance those needs against available resources. Today, for the first time in about a decade, that balancing act does not include the immediate need to consider reducing staff.

For those that supported the Override, we will continue to try our best to provide the levels of service that you desire. Please understand that Proposition 2½ has not been discontinued, however. We still need to manage our resources carefully and make sustainable long-term decisions.

For those that opposed the Override, please know that prudent stewardship of public resources remains deeply ingrained in the way we operate. We will also continue to work with our elected officials to provide financial assistance to those in need.

To our dedicated staff – thank you for the great jobs you do each and every day in our community. We appreciate your professionalism and continued dedication to our community.

Thank you again, Reading voters!

Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr., CFA
Town Manager

John F. Doherty, Ed.D.


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