Colonial Chorus Players to present “Over the River and Through the Woods”

Colonial Chorus Players are excited to present “Over the River and Through the Woods”, the hysterical family comedy written by Joe DiPietro based on Family, Faith and Food!

Nick is a single, Italian-American guy from New Jersey. His parents retired and moved to Florida. That doesn’t mean his family isn’t still in Jersey. In fact, he sees both sets of his grandparents every Sunday for dinner. This is routine until he has to tell them that he’s been offered a dream job. The job he’s been waiting for marketing executive would take him away from his beloved, but annoying, grandparents. He tells them. The news doesn’t sit so well. Thus begins a series of schemes to keep Nick around. How could he betray his family’s love to move to Seattle, for a job, wonder his grandparents? Well, Frank, Aida, Nunzio and Emma do their level best, and that includes bringing to dinner the lovely and single, Caitlin O’Hare as bait…we won’t give the ending away here.

In the capable hands of our actors, you will be entertained and most likely you will recognize a few characters from your own families. The script is full of good, clean laughs. For example, it’s frustrating for Nick that his relatives in their 80s can’t understand answering machines, VCRs, or the “right” way to play Trivial Pursuit.

You will really get involved in this show. You will laugh and maybe you will cry but you will be glad you came. This show is a winner.

Actors are: Dan Richards, Rosemary DeGregorio, Ron Wackowski, John Pease, Sharon Buccuzzo Beeler and Jackie Bowden.

Performances are October 13, 14 20 and 21 at 7:30pm and October 22 at 2:00 at the Old Hose House, 1249 Main Street in Reading.

Tickets can be purchased now at the website, by telephone 781 944-9780 and by email at Tickets are $20 for adults and $18 for students and seniors.

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