St. Agnes to Host Refugee Study Group – The Reading Post

St. Agnes to Host Refugee Study Group

The St. Agnes Church Parish Center will host a Refugee Study Group on two evenings, Tuesday, March 7 and Tuesday, March 14. These meetings will be discussing the international disaster in the Middle East and Europe as well as the situation here in the United States.

The Syrian refugee crisis has been in the news for months. Images of refugees crossing the Mediterranean headed for Greece and southern Europe have been on our television screens and there seems to be no end in sight. Images of places that are overcrowded and people who are underpowered have caused many to ask what more should the world community be doing. With leaders around the world expressing different views, it can be difficult to know what exactly is happening and what one’s individual response should be.

For people who would like to have some clarity on the crisis, these sessions will act as a primer on international policies on refugees and immigration and will be analyzing the policies of the U.S. through time. Discussion will be encouraged and will be a focus of the sessions. For more information contact Ron D’Addario at