Summer roadway construction list announced

READING – The Town of Reading Engineering Division, through its contractor Lazaro Paving Corp., will be resurfacing 11 roads or sections of roads totaling about 2.5 miles and almost $900,000 this year. Work is expected to commence in early April and continue into the summer. Residents can visit the Engineering Division’s website at for updates to street resurfacing listings along with anticipated construction schedules throughout the project duration.

Upcoming Reading Roadway Construction

Subject to funding and unexpected delays beyond the control of the Town of Reading, the following streets are scheduled to be resurfaced in the Spring / early Summer (2016):

  1. Beech Street (Green Street to Lakeview Avenue)
  2. Birch Meadow Drive (Main Street to John Carver Road)
  3. Curtis Street (South Street to George Street)
  4. Forest Glen Road (Main Street to Pearl Street)
  5. Green Street (John Street to Eaton Street)
  6. Intervale Terrace (Lowell Street to John Carver Road)
  7. Kingston Street (Middlesex Avenue to Mt Vernon Street)
  8. Larch Lane (Franklin Street to end)
  9. Linden Street (Woburn Street to Lowell Street)
  10. Minot Street (Main Street to Washington Street)
  11. Mt Vernon Street (Linden Street to High Street)

Additionally, the Engineering Division is in the process of preparing bid documents for roadway crack repair, along with additional roads for repair and resurfacing to commence this spring and summer as funding allows. The Division is also currently preparing bid documents for the repair of the brick crosswalk at the intersection of Main Street and Haven Street.

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