Webb Resigns From School Committee In a letter dated September 16, Elaine Webb informed the School Committee chair Chuck Robinson of her resignation from...
RCASA Reports on RMHS Risk Behavior Survey Erica McNamara, Director of the Reading Coalition Against Substance Abuse (RCASA), presented the results of the 2019 Youth Risk...
School Committee Receives Turf 2 Update Joe Huggins, Director of Facilities, updated the School Committee regarding the progress of various capital projects from Fiscal Year...
Doherty to Take Leave of Absence At the end of Thursday’s School Committee meeting, Superintendent of Schools John Doherty read a statement announcing that he...
School Committee Considers Two Policy Updates First readings of two different potential School Committee policy updates took most of the committee’s time at its May...
Last Day of School Will be June 17 June 17 will be the final day of school this year for the Reading Public Schools as a result...
RMHS High Five – Matteo Coelho This weeks High Five is awarded to Matteo Coelho for achievement in our classrooms and for being a welcoming,...
Reading Public Schools is bringing the Farm into the School School Nutrition Director Kristin Morello and Nutrition Site Coordinator Karleen Sayman turned an Organic Grow Rack into a garden...
Lockdown and Canine Drill at RMHS Reading, MA — At approximately nine o’clock this morning, the Northeastern Massachusetts Law Enforcement Council (NEMLEC) K-9 Unit, in...
Police Investigating after Student Reports Being Followed Home from School Deputy Chief David Clark reports that the Reading Police Department is investigating after a student reported being followed home...