Reading Rememberace Tour

To the Members of the Reading Community,

We are excited to invite you to join us for a special event in downtown Reading—a Remembrance Tour that sheds light on the lives and experiences of enslaved residents in our town during the Colonial Era.

Event Details:
Date: Saturday, November 16
Time: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Starting Location: Reading Town Common

This walking tour will offer a unique opportunity to learn about a significant, yet often overlooked, part of Reading’s history. As we walk through downtown, we’ll share stories that honor the individuals who lived, labored, and built their lives here under the constraints of enslavement. This tour is a step toward remembering and acknowledging our community’s past in a way that encourages reflection, understanding, and growth.

We warmly welcome your organization, its members, and anyone in your network who would like to be a part of this meaningful experience. Please feel free to share this invitation with others who may be interested.

For more details, you can visit CATO – The Coalition of Us or reach out directly to us at We hope you’ll join us in honoring these stories and deepening our community’s connection to its history.

Thank you, and we look forward to walking together on November 16.

Warm regards,
Philmore Phillip II, Colm Eliet, and Tara Gregory
CATO – The Coalition of Us