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As we approach the upcoming local town elections on March 5, I enthusiastically join the chorus of town residents voicing their support for Dana Guarino, who is seeking a seat on the Reading School Committee. In my interactions with Dana, I am very impressed with his strong family values, personal integrity, and especially his professional credentials. Having attended Reading schools himself and with his own three children in the Reading School system, he is well equipped to face today’s educational challenges, and at the same time recognizing and applauding the successes of our school community.
As an educator in the Reading School System for almost four decades and Massachusetts Teacher of the Year finalist, in speaking with Dana, I believe that he is perfectly positioned to move the Reading schools forward. Dana’s support for all-day kindergarten funding, foreign language inclusion of Spanish and/or French into early education classrooms, and his interest in providing diverse learning pathways for high school students – all of these initiatives will result in continuous educational improvement. Dana is also concerned about the achievement discrepancies between the two middle schools, with Parker trailing behind Coolidge in MCAS results. However, with Dana’s extensive academic accomplishments, his incredible work ethic, and his mission to foster a culture of excellence, transparency, and collaboration among all stakeholders – teachers, parents, and administrators – Reading students will have the opportunity to advance at all levels.
Beyond Dana’s personal values, his extraordinary undergraduate and graduate degrees focused in Science, Psychology, Sports Medicine, and the distinction of Physician Assistant will be a much needed added dimension to his participation on the School Committee. He will apply his science-based approaches and research expertise to budgetary decisions and the social and emotional health of Reading students. He is the most qualified and gifted candidate to be elected to the Reading School Committee.
Reading voters can also be assured that Mr. Guarino will make decisions for all of our students based on his outstanding ethical practices. Dana is a highly respected medical professional with a proven record of servicing his patients with understanding, empathy, and compassion. There is no doubt that Mr. Guarino will adhere to his ethical responsibilities by judiciously following all school committee policies once he is elected to serve on the School Committee. Reading voters can place their trust in Dana; he has no political or hidden agenda.
Please join with me in voting for Dana Guarino for School Committee on March 5th.
Eileen Litterio BA, MA, MSED
Deborah Drive
Past Assistant Principal
Town Meeting Member