READING, MA — The 30th Annual Tree Lighting celebration is an annual community event bringing together local restaurants, retail businesses, and community groups for a fun-filled, family-friendly afternoon.
The Reading-North Reading Chamber of Commerce will host the Annual Holiday Tree Lighting celebration on Sunday, November 26, from 2 – 4:30 PM in Downtown Reading. The 30th Annual Tree Lighting celebration is an annual community event bringing together local restaurants, retail businesses, and community groups for a fun-filled, family-friendly afternoon. This celebration includes Santa photos, a horse-drawn hayride and trolley rides, live entertainment, ice sculptures, s’mores, and more.
The Reading Memorial High School band and color guard will perform on the common, and Santa lights the common at 4:30 pm that evening. Please come and enjoy!
Old South United Methodist Church
Six Salem Street
Old South at six Salem Street will host a “Nativity Photo Booth” during the downtown tree lighting this year. Fun family photos during the afternoon, 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm. The Reading Community Singers will be performing carols on the lawn at this time as well, so it will be a festive atmosphere!
People can come inside the church building to warm up and enjoy hot cocoa and kid’s crafts.
First Congregational Church of Reading UCC
25 Woburn St, Reading, MA
Will serve cocoa and cookies during tree-lighting festivities.
Creative Arts will be performing A Christmas Carol in the sanctuary at 2:30 PM and 4:45 PM (so you can come either before or after the lighting!).