Representative Haggerty Seeks Spring 2024 Legislative Interns

BOSTON – State Representative Richard M. Haggerty (D-Woburn) is currently welcoming applications from Woburn and Reading college students to serve as interns during the spring 2024 semester at the Massachusetts State House office.

The interns will work alongside Rep Haggerty and his staff, gaining hands-on experience in state government and the legislative process. They will contribute in a variety of ways, including policy research, constituent services, attending committee hearings and briefings, and other assigned duties.

The internship program provides students the opportunity to be directly involved in the lawmaking process. Interns gain a deeper understanding of how state government works while getting hands-on experience in a fast-paced professional environment.

Interested applicants should have excellent written and verbal communication skills, a high level of attention to detail, respect for confidentiality, be able to conduct themselves and dress professionally, and be proficient with Microsoft and Zoom applications.

Applicants with a particular interest in communications, public relations, graphic design, video production, or social media should indicate so in their application. Applicants should send a resume with a brief cover letter of interest, and a 1-2 page writing sample to Nicole Redigan, at References should be available upon request, and if potential applicants have any questions, please call (617) 722-7709. Internships are unpaid, but in some cases, there may be an opportunity to earn college credits.