Dear Friends and Neighbors
I wish to publicly extend my congratulations to Anne Landry and Mark Dockser on their election to the Select Board. They have my full support. Congratulations also to Carlo Bacci for his strong campaign. He and Peter Kramer enriched the debate with their voice and perspective on issues facing Reading. While I am disappointed by the election results, the voters made a clear and decisive choice, which I accept.
I want to thank all my friends, both old and new, who worked tirelessly on my behalf during the campaign. I hope you stay engaged and involved. This was not about winning. It was about service. My special thanks go to Laura and Jacob. I could never have taken this journey without their love and support.
I am extremely proud of the leadership I provided in my years of town service. I hope the legacy I have left is one of independence, commonwealth, balance, effectiveness, and the inclusion of all voices. I loved being a member of the Reading Select Board and I will miss it.
But it is time for me to find a different path. In the short term, I will re-engage with aspects of my life that may have been neglected this past couple of years- my family, my friends, my job, and the pursuit of soul-enriching activities that bring me joy. I will also proudly take my seat on April 22nd as a duly elected Town Meeting member from Precinct Four.
Reading is a wonderful town in which to live. Soon we will come together to celebrate our 375th anniversary. It is a perfect opportunity to make new friends and honor what we have in common- our love for the town we all call home.
Thank you again for the opportunity to serve on the Board. I am sure our paths will cross again.
In Service,