On October 18, 2016 the voters of Reading will be asked to approve or disapprove a $7,500,000 operational override.
The proponents will tell you that it is only “pennies a day;” my primary funds are my monthly Social Security benefit. That will increase by two dollars next year or “pennies a day.”
My supplemental health insurance is going up $4.60 per month or “pennies a day.” In my last water and sewer bill it stated that it will be going up next quarter; the light department has stated that its rates will be going up, and the registration fee on my truck has gone up from $50 per two years to $60 per two years.
If the override does pass I will have to find things to cut such as Girl Scout cookies and Boy Scout popcorn.
Nothing prevents those who want the override from sending the amount that will be raised by the override to the Town or Schools along with some extra to make up my share, and it would be tax deductible.
If, like me, you simply can’t afford more taxes and remain in Reading, vote NO Trick or Treat give the override a defeat.
If you feel that your NO vote will not count, Thomas Jefferson was elected by one vote. Make your one NO vote the one that defeats the override.
William C. Brown
28 Martin Rd