Metro North Jewish Families Summer Carnival

Temple Emmanuel 120 Chestnut Street, Wakefield, MA, United States

Temple Beth Shalom of Melrose and Temple Emmanuel of Wakefield are hosting a summer carnival planned for those 2 to 8 years old. There will be games, food, faceprinting, a bouncy house and puppeteer Anna Sobel from TalkingHandsPuppets. Fun for all. All are welcomed to this free event thanks to our sponsors: CJP and the Selwyn Family Grant. To register: 781-245-1886,

Senator Jason Lewis Virtual Office Hours

Senator Jason Lewis Announces Virtual Office Hours for June BOSTON—State Senator Jason Lewis will be holding Virtual Office Hours on Monday, June 17, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Any constituent of Senator Lewis is welcome to attend Office Hours, with no appointment necessary, to discuss any personal issue or legislative feedback with the Senator […]

Voting on the establishment of Bill Russell Day

Reading Select Board, local social justice organization CATO, and the Reading community. For more information, please contact: or visit our website at

Household Hazardous Waste Day

DPW Garage 75 Newcorssing Road, reading, MA, United States

The Reading DPW will host Household Hazardous Waste Day on Saturday, June 22, 2024. The even will be from 9 am to 1 pm at the DPW Garage 75 Newcrossing Road. No commercial waste. TVs/CRTs will not be collected at this event.

Reading PorchFest

This year, Reading PorchFest has a record of 93 musical acts, taking place at 45 venues all over town. Together with the schedule, an online map will appear at in the next few days. Among those sites are five, which are almost musical festivals in their own right. Revelers could park themselves at any one of these and hear great music all afternoon long.

Concert on the Library Lawn – Les Sampou and the Dirty Martinis

Reading Public Library 64 Middlesex Avenue, Reading, MA, United States

Kick off summer with an hour-long outdoor concert featuring vocalist Les Sampou and the Dirty Martinis Band. This quintet brings the American Songbook to life with a unique and sultry take on the classics—the music of Billie Holiday, Sarah Vaughn, Diana Krall, Peggy Lee, George Gershwin and Harold Arlen.

Pleasant Street Center – Fiber Arts – Fun with Flying Geese Technique

Pleasant Street Center 49 Pleasant St, Reading, MA, United States

Fiber Arts - Fun with Flying Geese Technique - Wednesday, June 26th from 10:00am to 11:30am: Join Laurie Thies from Mary Rose Quilts as demonstrates the Flying Geese Technique. Space is limited. Please call to sign up.

Pleasant Street Center – History of Feminism in Music by John Clark

Pleasant Street Center 49 Pleasant St, Reading, MA, United States

Pleasant Street Center - History of Feminism in Music by John Clark – Wednesday, June 26th from 10:00am to 11:00am: Music historian, John Clark will present on 100 Years of music from 1870 to 1970 that played a vital part in American women’s struggles for equal status and equal rights. You will heat songs by such widely diverse artists as Sophie Tucker, Joan Baez, Mimi Farina, Aretha Franklin, Peggy Lee and more. Please Call to sign up.

The Music Porch – Throwing Caution

The Music Porch 53 Harrison Street, Reading, MA, United States

MUSIC ON THE PORCH - Timeless Community Gatherings - Free Concerts
53 Harrison Street, Reading MA
Across from Memorial Park
Saturday, June 13th 6pm - Throwing Caution