RCTV to Host Candidate Forums RCTV will be hosting a series of candidate forums over the next two weeks leading up to the April...
CPDC Reviews Sidewalk Plans Town engineers met with the Community Planning and Development Commission on Monday, March 13 to review the priority list...
RMLD to Remove Drop Boxes Reading Municipal Light Department announced that they will be closing the payment drop boxes at the following Reading Cooperative...
Reading Branches Out The town of Reading will continue its “Taking Root for the Future” shade tree planting program this spring. The...
Reading Police Arrest Man for Larceny from Business Totaling More Than $50,000 Chief Mark D. Segalla and Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan report that SEAN MULLEN, AGE 38, OF CAMBRIDGE was arraigned today in Woburn...
School Department makes case for expanded budget request to FinCom The Finance Committee met with representatives of the School Committee on March 15 to receive a presentation regarding the...
Last Day to Register to Vote for Town Election The last day to register to vote for the April 4 local election was Wednesday March 15. Due the recent snow...
Town Offices to Closed Today Due to an expected severe winter storm, residents and businesses are informed that Town offices will be closed for...
CPDC to Discuss Complete Streets Priorities On Monday, March 13 at 7:30 PM the CPDC and the Town Engineer will host a discussion of priorities...
Street Sweeping Program Street sweeping is scheduled to begin the week of March 27, 2017, weather permitting. You can help the DPW...