Reading 375 – Historic Parker Tavern Hosts Major Event Celebrations Reading turns 375 years old this year and what better place to celebrate our history than at the oldest...
“Images of America: Reading” Launch A Huge Success Local authors Ginny and Everett Blodgett faced a standing room only crowd at RCTV Studios on Monday, May 13...
Jams for Jake 2019 Reading, MA –— Hosted by Reading’s BeatHeart Foundation at Birch Meadow Field on June 22nd, 2019, Jams for Jake...
Reading 375 Concert for Reading Reading 375 Concert for Reading Saturday, June 1 You are cordially invited to attend a celebration of music, song,...
FPC Church of Wakefield to Host a Multi-Church Concert First Parish Congregational Church of Wakefield to host a multi-church concert to celebrate 375 years of faithfulness and praise....
Whitelam Books welcomes author Christina Thompson Saturday, May 11 at 3:00pm Reading, MA-– Whitelam Books welcomes CHRISTINA THOMPSON—editor of Harvard Review and award-winning author of...
Reading Girl Takes Center Stage in “Annie” with Colonial Chorus Players Elliana Calo, an 11-year-old actress from Reading, stars as the title character in Colonial Chorus Players’ production of the...
“Celebrating the Arts 2019” – An Evening of Music & Theater Performances, Art Exhibit and Awards Join Creative Arts on Friday, May 17, for “Celebrating the Arts 2019” as faculty and students share their theater,...
Reading 375 Enjoys Support from The Quannapowitt Players The Reading 375 Committee is thrilled to partner with The Quannapowitt Players to celebrate our town’s 375th anniversary. From March 22...
If This House Could Talk Workshop This Saturday As part of the Reading 375 celebration this spring, Reading home and business owners are invited to participate in...