Chapin Avenue Townhouse Development Considered The Community Planning and Development Commission held an initial site plan review for a new residential town house on...
Reading Receives Two Year “Safe Harbor” from New 40B Applications On September 22nd, the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) officially accepted the Town of Reading’s request...
Sub-Division Plan off of Franklin Street Approved The Community Planning and Development Commission (CPDC) approved the subdivision plan for a new development at 48-54 Franklin Street...
Camp Curtis Guild Could Be New Home for DPW The board of selectmen received an economic development update from Town Manager Robert LeLacheur as part of its regular...
Civil Rights Violations at Joshua Eaton A report received from United States Office of Civil Rights (OCR) investigating alleged civil rights violations at Joshua Eaton...
CPDC Approves Post Office Square Neighbors Concerned About Proposed Gould Street 40R Development The Community Planning and Development Commission had an initial site plan...
ZBA Approves Two Special Permits The Zoning Board of Appeals held three hearings during its September 7 meeting. In all cases the board voted...
School Committee Revises Religious Holiday Policy The School Committee revised its Religious and Ethnic Holiday Accommodations Policy at its September 11 meeting. This revision came...
Water/Sewer and Tax Bills Mailed Soon The current Water/Sewer/Storm Water bills will be mailed on September 8, 2017 and are due by 5:30 PM on...
Temporary Weekend Train Service Stoppage The MBTA has announced that there will be no weekend train service on the Haverhill line which includes Reading...