Financial Forum Looks to FY2020 The Finance Committee (FinCom) hosted the fall Financial Forum on October 10. This forum provided information and direction for...
ZBA Grants Three Special Permits The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) voted 5-0 to approve three different special permits at their October 3 meeting....
CPDC Approves Subdivision off Grove Street The Community Planning and Development Commission (CPDC) voted 5-0 to approve a definitive subdivision at 40 Grove Street at...
Select Board Sets Senior Tax Relief Rate; Legislative Delegation Visits The Select Board voted 5-0 to offer senior tax relief at 150% of the state circuit breaker at its...
Board of Health Seeks to Deal With Rats The Board of Health held a special meeting on September 18 at the Parker Middle School to address the...
PRIDE Survey Results Shared with School Committee Superintendent of Schools John Doherty presented the results of the PRIDE survey to the School Committee on September 20....
Lewis and Calvo-Bacci Face Off in State Senate Debate Wakefield Community Access Television sponsored a debate between the major party candidates for the state Senate seat in the...
CPDC Reviews 40R District Design Guidelines The Community Planning and Development Commission (CPDC) reviewed submitted member comments regarding the proposed 40R Downtown Smart Growth District...
Select Board Fields More Rodent Complaints Continued complaints about rodent infestation were fielded by the Select Board at the September 11 meeting during public comment....
Traffic Concerns at Lakeview/Eaton 40B Continued traffic impact concerns about the potential Lakeview/Eaton 40B development were the focus of the Zoning Board of Appeals...