Guarino Announces Candidacy for School Committee

Dear Reading Community,

My name is Dana Guarino, and I am running for one of the two open positions on the Reading School Committee.  I would like the opportunity to earn your vote on April 8th 2025.  My wife and I have an 11-year-old daughter and twin boys who are almost 9.  They all attend Joshua Eaton.  

Although I ran for school committee last year and was not elected, this does not deter me from my goal of giving back to the community. Perseverance and determination are my finest qualities. 

For those that don’t know me, I grew up in Reading and am a product of the public schools, having attended Killam, Coolidge and RMHS.  Sports were a big part of my life at the time, participating in the district’s football, baseball and basketball athletic programs.  These experiences helped foster my understanding of teamwork and leadership. 

The Reading public schools provided me with a solid foundation for my college career.  I graduated from Springfield college with a Bachelor of Science (Psychology and Chemistry) and went on to earn a Master of Science from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPH).  I have been employed as a Physician’s Assistant (PA) for the past 16 years. 

I am pleased to see that Reading public schools have continued to make huge strides over the last few years.  With Mr. Robinson stepping down from the School Committee, I believe it presents an opportunity for someone new to take a fresh look and help the district continue to strive for greatness.  A few of my priorities are as follows:

  • I support revamping the Killam school, ensuring the project not only meets the needs of the district but also provides a fiscally responsible solution for the community. A yes for a new Kiliam school is a must for the vote this May.  Having recently walked through the school, I can honestly say not a lot has changed since I attended the school 30 years ago.  With lead in the pipes, a crumbling foundation and continuous flooding in the bathrooms during rain storms; we need to get this done for our kids and the community. 
  • I will work to keep our schools on a continued upward trajectory. On top of my wish list would be how to transition to full day Fridays for the elementary students.  This could allow more recreation time for the students during each day.
  • Students need to be able to access the resources they need to be successful, and we need to ensure all schools and students perform to their potential.  In the recent past, there was  a significant discrepancy between our two middle schools. I am pleased to see that these test score issues are becoming more aligned.  I’m appreciative of the efforts the administration has made to make this happen.
  • Last year I had my initial experience with the special education process (one of my sons needed extra help with reading).  I knew very little about Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and 504’s. I am fortunate to have a brother with 20 plus years of experience who helped me advocate for my son.  We all don’t have a family member with a masters in SPED who can be their advocate.  Helping parents in this situation should continue to be a priority for the district. I am encouraged to see the positive relationship that has been built between the administration and the Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC).
  • Having faced the problem of half day vs full day kindergarten; I understand the burden both financially and emotionally it puts on parents. I support efforts by the School committees to not force parents to decide and instead provide this beneficial experience to all students.

My three kids will  be products of the Reading Public Schools.  My goal in running for School Committee is to make sure we continue to strive to be better so students can graduate with the skills and experiences needed to succeed in today’s ever-changing world. 

I invite you to visit my website to learn more about my campaign, and please reach out to me directly if you have any questions.