LtE: Reading Select Board Needs to Reverse Parking Decision

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As a member of the Parking Advisory and Recommendation Committee (PARC) and a resident of the
downtown area, I am disappointed in the recent actions of the Select Board to remove the kiosks that were installed last year. The committee’s determination to recommend the kiosks and the subsequent
support by Town Meeting, unlike the Select Board’s actions, were made after many meetings, discussions, forums, surveys, public input, etc. I would urge immediate reconsideration by the Board.

Deputy Chief Amendola presented data confirming the kiosks were a valuable tool, even for the short period of time they were activated. The data and opinion of the Police Department also appears to have gone unheard by some members of the Select Board. Simply relying on our Parking Officer to manage
the problem for the two lots is not the solution. The Parking Officer is another tool in our tool belt, ti is not the sole solution for the parking issues in town.

The failed original implementation of the kiosks should not be a consideration at this time to discontinue
the kiosks. It was a growing pain as part of the transition of moving forward with the tools we have in order to address the problem. It was mentioned the issue with the kiosks can be resolved, and there are other strategies to alleviate some of the complaints and mishaps from the failed launch of the kiosks.
There was also mention of potentially using a sticker program for senior residents as another tool to
accommodate our residents. There are options available that are worth further discussion, consideration and action.

A discussion to remove the kiosks and potentially sell them at a fraction of their cost should not have been a consideration for the Select Board. Town Meeting voted for the expenditure made the
expenditure, and it is the responsibility of the Select Board to work with the Police Department and others to figure out how get them implemented. At a minimum, if the Select Board is not able to figure out a solution at this time, consideration must be given to the fact that the Town is not getting any smaller. There are many downtown projects in the pipeline, and more in our future, that will only make parking worse for the town. We need the kiosks now and will definitely need them in the future.

Finally, a factor not considered by the Select Board relates to the fact that proceeds from the parking kiosks would not only cover the costs of the kiosk but also provide benefits to the downtown area.
Funds to expand green space, beautify the area, provide outdoor seating, etc. would help enrich the downtown area and make a place individuals and families will want to visit.

In closing, PARC worked very hard to make logical and thoughtful solutions to the parking issues that exist in the downtown area. The committee members gave time, energy, and creative thinking to the process, only to have three individuals undo all that work. If this is how our recommendations, the recommendations of our Police Department, and recommendations of other committees, is handled, why would anyone in town want to volunteer to keep Reading a great place to live and visit. I urge the Select Board to respect the will of Town Meeting and the recommendation of PARCs and work to get the kiosks back up and running.

Thank you,

Karen Rose-Gillis
Linden Street